News — Learn German

Learning a Language with HypLern

Learning a Language with HypLern

Language learning has always been a challenging task for many people. Whether you are trying to learn a new language for personal or professional reasons, the process can be daunting. However, with the advancements in technology, language learning has become more accessible and convenient than ever before. One of the most effective and efficient ways to learn a new language is through interlinear word for word translated literature, and HypLern is one of the best platforms to do so.   HypLern is an innovative language learning platform that provides interlinear word for word translated literature. This platform allows learners to...

HypLern and Great Reviews

HypLern and Great Reviews

As a language learner, discovering the right language resources can make all the difference in your studies. HypLern Interlinear books have proven to be an exceptional resource for language learners looking to enhance their skills in a new language. These books offer a unique opportunity to learn a new language by studying literature written in the target language.   HypLern Interlinear books are the perfect tool for language students who want to master a new language through reading. These books provide a delightful reading experience while also providing valuable support for learning new vocabulary and grammatical structures. With a clear...

Learn German with part 1 of the novel Every Man Dies Alone

Learn German with part 1 of the novel Every Man Dies Alone

Hans Fallada was one of the most influential German writers of the twentieth-century. His 1947 novel, Every Man Dies Alone, is a revered classic of post-war literature. The story follows two ordinary working class people, Otto and Anna Quangel, in their desperate attempt to resist Nazi rule during the Second World War. Despite its semi-autobiographical nature, Fallada’s work has been praised for its gritty realism and unvarnished portrayal of life under fascism. HypLern recently published an interlinear version of this book from German to English. This edition allows readers to easily follow the flow of Fallada’s original text while simultaneously...

Learn German fast and easy with Interlinear Books

Learn German fast and easy with Interlinear Books

Theodor Storm is a 19th century German author known for his short stories and novels. One of his most beloved works is "Immensee", a novella set in the windswept landscapes of Schleswig-Holstein. The story follows an old man, Reinhard Werner, who dedicated his life to gathering old stories and songs, and is interspersed with flashbacks on his life and the love of his life. He left the girl he grew up with, Elisabeth, to study in the city and work on his collection of stories and told her to wait for him. But his life as a student and his...

Our Interlinear German eBooks Now In Paperback Format

Adrianus Van den End

Tags german, interlinear, learn german, mp3, paperback, pdf, spaced repetition

Our Interlinear German eBooks Now In Paperback Format

Learn German with Fairy Tales Interlinear word for word translations let you read German immersively without look up time. We created a post a while back listing the few interlinear translations available online. Now the HypLern eBooks we had are available as paperbacks as well on Amazon! The book Learn German with Fairy Tales offers the ultimate stories from German culture in word for word translated format enabling you to read them and understand all the words, this way expanding your vocabulary fast, helping you on your way to read German literature. Learn German with Short Stories One of the...

Progress To Reading German By Yourself Fast And Easy

From 50 Percent Unknown Words To 10 Percent When you start off with Bermuda Word e-books as a beginner in general the first chapter contains about 50% unknown words. This goes down fast as you learn the most common articles, operators and pronouns. If you finish your first Bermuda Word e-book you're at 20% unknown words or lower already for new chapters. When starting the next Bermuda Word e-book, if it is a Bermuda Word Short Stories, with generally more complex words, you start at just over 24% where without having finished the Fairytales, you would have had much more...

German Grammar

Articles and Nouns When starting to read German texts, apart from a basic vocabulary, it is nice to have a basic understanding of the grammar. It will not demand much study time, just read this blog or a wiki page and see what you can encounter. The most basic difference is that German nouns start with a capital, but there is more complex stuff about articles and nouns. For example, the English article and noun combinations "the village", "the city" and "the state" translate in German to "das Dorf", "die Stadt" and "der Staat". The first one as the neuter, the...