Our Interlinear German eBooks Now In Paperback Format

Our Interlinear German eBooks Now In Paperback Format

Learn German with Fairy Tales

Interlinear word for word translations let you read German immersively without look up time. We created a post a while back listing the few interlinear translations available online. Now the HypLern eBooks we had are available as paperbacks as well on Amazon!

The book Learn German with Fairy Tales offers the ultimate stories from German culture in word for word translated format enabling you to read them and understand all the words, this way expanding your vocabulary fast, helping you on your way to read German literature.

If you scroll down this amazingly long image you will get to the best book to study and learn German with...

Learn German with Short Stories

One of the best things about interlinear translations is that it will empower you to understand the German text for a solid 100%. The word for word translation means you are able to read German literature already as an intermediate, and you don't have to spend your time leafing through cheesy graded readers to get to a level of fluency necessary to read Kafka or other classic German literature.

The book Learn German with Short Stories contains short stories from Theodor Storm, Franz Kafka and even Manfred Freiherr von Richthofen, the so-called Red Baron. These stories are as interesting and fun to read as quality literature can get.

Start reading from day one and get Learn German with Fairy Tales and Learn German with Short Stories and support our project to create as much German word for word material possible. And get the mp3s for free on our site :)

Learning German with a word for word translation compared to other methods is the number one

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