
Learning Better Through Stories

Learning Better Through Stories

Learning languages through stories is supported by multi disciplinary theories about contextual learning, emotional engagement, repeated exposure and enhanced recall through narrative structure.

Learning Better Through Stories

Learning languages through stories is supported by multi disciplinary theories about contextual learning, emotional engagement, repeated exposure and enhanced recall through narrative structure.

Learn Norwegian fast and easy with Henrik Ibsen's Doll House

Learn Norwegian fast and easy with Henrik Ibsen...

Henrik Ibsen's iconic play, Dollhouse, is a classic of modern theater. First published in 1879, this social drama follows the lives of Nora and her family as they struggle with...

Learn Norwegian fast and easy with Henrik Ibsen...

Henrik Ibsen's iconic play, Dollhouse, is a classic of modern theater. First published in 1879, this social drama follows the lives of Nora and her family as they struggle with...

Progress In Reading Comprehension With Bermuda ...

Words Known And Root Recognition Learning a language can be much fun and it is very fulfilling when you can finally read a book or understand something that's spoken in...

Progress In Reading Comprehension With Bermuda ...

Words Known And Root Recognition Learning a language can be much fun and it is very fulfilling when you can finally read a book or understand something that's spoken in...

The Ultimate Tool To Learn Languages Fast And Easy

Proud To Announce The Latest Version Of Bermuda Word E-Book Software We've been busy this Summer and finally we're happy to show you the new version of Bermuda Word intelligent...

The Ultimate Tool To Learn Languages Fast And Easy

Proud To Announce The Latest Version Of Bermuda Word E-Book Software We've been busy this Summer and finally we're happy to show you the new version of Bermuda Word intelligent...

Learn Dutch Reading And Listening With Dutch Fo...

A Top 10 Of Reasons To Learn Dutch With Bermuda Word Products Here we summed up a list of reasons why you will really learn Dutch by combining extensive reading...

Learn Dutch Reading And Listening With Dutch Fo...

A Top 10 Of Reasons To Learn Dutch With Bermuda Word Products Here we summed up a list of reasons why you will really learn Dutch by combining extensive reading...

Check Out Our German Fairy Tales Demo

Bermuda Word German Fairy Tales Try Out Available Do you want to learn to read German? And you still think you will be able to do so using regular courses...

Check Out Our German Fairy Tales Demo

Bermuda Word German Fairy Tales Try Out Available Do you want to learn to read German? And you still think you will be able to do so using regular courses...