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HypLern - Learn Italian with Beginner Stories - Interlinear PDF, Epub, Mobi and Mp3s

HypLern - Learn Italian with Beginner Stories - Interlinear PDF, Epub, Mobi and Mp3s

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  • Practice your Italian reading and listening
  • For beginners and advanced students
  • Learn up to 3000 new words
  • PDF, Epub and Mobi file and mp3's

Read authentic Italian fairytales in Italian with an interlinear translation in context. Re-read the stories until you understand most of it. Then go over them and mark the words you don't know. Re-read the paragraphs with marked words every (few) day(s) until you have memorized them. You now know almost 3000 new Italian words and you can continue with Italian Short Stories! Same for the audio, listen while reading and you'll learn to understand Italian superfast!

Contents: 170+ pages of interlinear word-for-word translated text

Specifications: Product supplied As Digital Download

Requirements: Any device that can view a PDF, Epub or Mobi and play an MP3

Find the paperback version of this book here on Amazon.

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