Learn German with part 1 of the novel Every Man...
Hans Fallada was one of the most influential German writers of the twentieth-century. His 1947 novel, Every Man Dies Alone, is a revered classic of post-war literature. The story follows...
Learn German with part 1 of the novel Every Man...
Hans Fallada was one of the most influential German writers of the twentieth-century. His 1947 novel, Every Man Dies Alone, is a revered classic of post-war literature. The story follows...
Learn French with Louis Pergaud's War of the Bu...
Louis Pergaud’s classic French novel War of the Buttons is an entertaining and thought-provoking read for all ages. Published in 1912, the book tells the story of two rival gangs...
Learn French with Louis Pergaud's War of the Bu...
Louis Pergaud’s classic French novel War of the Buttons is an entertaining and thought-provoking read for all ages. Published in 1912, the book tells the story of two rival gangs...
Learn Norwegian fast and easy with Henrik Ibsen...
Henrik Ibsen's iconic play, Dollhouse, is a classic of modern theater. First published in 1879, this social drama follows the lives of Nora and her family as they struggle with...
Learn Norwegian fast and easy with Henrik Ibsen...
Henrik Ibsen's iconic play, Dollhouse, is a classic of modern theater. First published in 1879, this social drama follows the lives of Nora and her family as they struggle with...
Learn German fast and easy with Interlinear Books
Theodor Storm is a 19th century German author known for his short stories and novels. One of his most beloved works is "Immensee", a novella set in the windswept landscapes...
Learn German fast and easy with Interlinear Books
Theodor Storm is a 19th century German author known for his short stories and novels. One of his most beloved works is "Immensee", a novella set in the windswept landscapes...
Learn French fast and easy with Arsene Lupin
Arsene Lupin: Gentleman Thief is a classic novel by Maurice Leblanc, first published in 1905. In it, the titular character is a gentleman thief and master of disguise who uses...
Learn French fast and easy with Arsene Lupin
Arsene Lupin: Gentleman Thief is a classic novel by Maurice Leblanc, first published in 1905. In it, the titular character is a gentleman thief and master of disguise who uses...
Learn French with Fairy Tales
Learning French can be a daunting endeavor, but it doesn't have to be. With the right tools and resources, anyone can become fluent in the language of love. One excellent...
Learn French with Fairy Tales
Learning French can be a daunting endeavor, but it doesn't have to be. With the right tools and resources, anyone can become fluent in the language of love. One excellent...