Try free interlinear texts at HypLern to learn read languages

Try free interlinear texts at HypLern to learn read languages

The HypLern Project

At HypLern we're creating interlinear material and audio to offer to language learners for free. The links to Amazon below are to our products in Kindle and Paperback format, that we sell to create more texts in more languages and to create voice overs. That means the money for the sales is used to support the HypLern project and pay for translations we can't do ourselves and audio. We're doing this in our free time and currently have created over 500k words already of interlinear translated texts.

If you like any material you see on the site or on Amazon for free just contact us at and we'll email you the download link! We only use your email to email you and if you contact us through the above mail your email address won't be stored in any database other than's mail server and will not be sold or used for anything else than sending you the download link or updates or new material if you agree to that.

If you like to assist in creating material or voice overs or if you see any errors and want to let us know you can use the contact button on the site or the email address above. We have full time jobs and mainly work on the HypLern project in the evening or weekend so please don't be offended if answering takes a while :)

It is easy to see that this interlinear method has you reading pretty fast.


Modern and Classical

Reading and learning foreign languages with interlinear material has been around for thousands of years. Recently there has been a renaissance of the interlinear method with various published works in German, Russian, French and other languages.

Interlinear material enables you to read in a foreign language of your choice, and literally look up words in the flash of an eye. Expanding your vocabulary will be fast and easy. The trick is to discipline yourself to just read the original foreign language, and look up words only when necessary. If you're having trouble using a piece of paper to cover the meanings might help.

The HypLern Reader apps or the website also offer you the possibility of reading the material in another format. Interlinear on-demand, where clicking a word shows its meaning, or pressing the screen will show the interlinear temporarily, or the pop-up format, where clicking a word will show a pop-up with the meaning of the word you're reading, for those language students that are not charmed by the interlinear method.

In the end, interlinear and pop-up reading of texts makes learning new words and understanding the foreign language structure fast and easy. Memorizing vocabulary is strengthened by the associative effect of the story and the amount of new words in a story is much larger than in lesson based courses. However, we advise new students to have a basic knowledge of the foreign language's grammar and vocabulary before starting to read the sometimes advanced interlinear material we have on offer.

HypLern Bermuda Word teaches foreign languages more than 60 times faster!


Free PDFs to try out Interlinear

We'd like you to try the interlinear method and see if it's something for you. Below is a list of foreign languages that we have on offer, and a link to their Kindle and Paperback version on Amazon.

Learn Basque

Learn read Basque with Myths and Legends. Get the free example here!

Get the full Kindle or Paperback version here on Amazon!

Learn Danish

Learn read Danish with Beginner Stories or try the Short Stories. Get the free example here!

Get the full Kindle or Paperback version here on Amazon!

Learn Dutch

Learn read Dutch with Beginner Stories or try the Short Stories. Two books have mp3s as well. Get the free example here!

Get the full Kindle or Paperback version here on Amazon!

Learn French

Learn read French with Beginner Stories or try the Short Stories. Two books have mp3s as well. Get the free example here!

Get the full Kindle or Paperback version here on Amazon!

Learn Galician

Learn read Galician with Beginner Stories. Get the free example here!

Get the full Kindle or Paperback version here on Amazon!

Learn Georgian

Learn read Georgian with Beginner Stories. Get the free example here!

Get the full Kindle or Paperback version here on Amazon!

Learn German

Learn read German with Beginner Stories or try the Short Stories. Two books have mp3s as well. Get the free example here!

Get the full Kindle or Paperback version here on Amazon!

Learn Hungarian

Learn read Hungarian with Beginner Stories or try the Short Stories. The two books have mp3s as well. Get the free example here!

Get the full Kindle or Paperback version here on Amazon!

Learn Indonesian

Learn read Indonesian with Beginner Stories. Get the free example here!

Get the full Kindle or Paperback version here on Amazon!

Learn Italian

Learn read Italian with Beginner Stories or try the Short Stories. One book has mp3s as well. Get the free example here!

Get the full Kindle or Paperback version here on Amazon!

Learn Latin

Learn read Latin with Beginner Stories. There are four books available.Get the free example here! Advanced material coming up!

Get the full Kindle or Paperback version here on Amazon!

Learn Norwegian

Learn read Norwegian with Beginner Stories. Get the free example here!

Get the full Kindle or Paperback version here on Amazon!

Learn Polish

Learn read Polish with Beginner Stories or try the Short Stories. The two books have mp3s as well. Get the free example here!

Get the full Kindle or Paperback version here on Amazon!

Learn Portuguese

Learn read Portuguese with Beginner Stories or try the Short Stories. The two books have mp3s as well. Get the free example here!

Get the full Kindle or Paperback version here on Amazon!

Learn Russian

Learn read Russian with Beginner Stories or try the Short Stories or any of the other books. Three books have mp3s as well. Get the free example here!

Get the full Kindle or Paperback version here on Amazon!

Learn Spanish

Learn read Spanish with Beginner Stories or try the Short Stories. The two books have mp3s as well. Get the free example here!

Get the full Kindle or Paperback version here on Amazon!

Learn Swedish

Learn read Swedish with Beginner Stories or try the Short Stories or any of the other books. Two books have mp3s as well. Get the free example here!

Get the full Kindle or Paperback version here on Amazon!

Mark difficult words in a pdf or book so you can practice them by re-reading their paragraphs.


Ways to use Interlinear material

You can use interlinear material just by reading it. If you discipline yourself to read and re-read and only look at meanings when you need to, you will learn the high frequency vocabulary of a foreign language in no time. Learning low frequency words is more difficult, especially if they have unfamiliar or unique roots.

For one, the association of the story will help you memorize even difficult words, but using regular practice for those words is a good way to internalize them fast, and by marking them in your pdf or book and re-reading those paragraphs with the marked difficult words it will be relatively easy and fun compared to not-so-good old cramming word lists.

Apart from marking words, in our spare time we are building a web site that will support word practice and also reading in other formats, like interlinear on-demand, which shows the interlinear when clicking a word or a whole paragraph, and the pop-up format, which shows a regular text and a pop-up with a meaning when a word is clicked. There are already apps that are doing this which you can find on this site and which you can also get for free if you contact us.


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