News — Context

Learn French with Le Grand Meaulnes

Learn French with Le Grand Meaulnes

Learning French can be a daunting prospect for many, but it doesn't have to be. One way to make the process more enjoyable and engaging is to use literature as a means of language acquisition. Le Grand Meaulnes by the French author Alain-Fournier is one such book that can provide readers with an immersive experience in learning the French language.   Le Grand Meaulnes First published in 1913, Le Grand Meaulnes is a classic coming-of-age novel that follows the adventures of François Seurel, an orphaned teenager who moves to a small village in rural France. Along with him comes Augustin...

Visual Language Learning

Vocabulary Training Visual tools help with memorizing words. Rosetta Stone and similar online versions like Busuu use it to train your vocabulary or short sentences. A word or sentence is shown with a picture added. Visualisation helps learning. However, just as learning a list of words without context restricts your vocabulary to a kind of foreign language grocery list, a picture of a ball or a color will not do too much for your vocabulary training. A picture should tell a story. Art and Language Learning The art in the Fairytales and Short Stories products has been selected to fit into the...