Get All Interlinear E-Books For $1 !

Get All Interlinear E-Books For $1 !

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Invest one Dollar in a new project, and get the finished interlinear e-book or any of our existing works as soon as the new e-book is released!


Support Our New Projects

We're currently working on Polish and Portuguese Short Stories. If you support us with only one dollar, you'll receive the new e-book, or any other e-book from our store that you choose as a reward.

If you don't mind diy installing of software, this goes for the App version as well.


The Advantages of Interlinear or Pop-up Reading

      • Learn a foreign language just by reading!
      • Read a foreign language from day one :)
      • Immediate availability of manually addded meaning
      • In context and correct conjugation
      • Speeds up vocabulary expansion immensely
      • In the App version, we add the audio as well
      • Same goes for the built-in word practice of the App


Example Pages of the Interlinear E-Book Polish Beginner Stories aka Fairy Tales

Here's a set of example pictures of one of our e-books, for those that have not yet enjoyed interlinear reading:




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