Ten New Bermuda Word E-Books Planned For 2015-2016
Sneak Peak At The Ten Releases For The Coming Year
Order your Bermuda Word e-books now and finish them before the new ones arrive. Because of the immediate manually added pop-up translation which is correct and in context you can read huge amounts in French fast and easy, while learning new words by the hundreds. These new words will be remembered because of the intelligent and efficient software included in each and every e-book that determines which words you don't know and lets you practice them as much as is necessary to remember them.
In the last year we set up the new Bermuda Word e-books English Short Stories (for Dutch readers), Dutch Short Stories, French Romance Stories and Hungarian Short Stories. So with the limited resources we have, the below list may be a bit ambitious and its progress also depends on sales of the existing products :-)
We have the following Bermuda Word e-books being worked on right now for French
We're concentrating on French as that is where most of the sales lie. Income is what we need before we can invest resources in other languages. For presumably better SEO (I'm not a marketeer) I'm adding some blah about the virtues of Bermuda Work e-books to every paragraph, if y'all excuse me.
L'Amour Masqué by Honoré de Balzac
A rare private and unedited manuscript written by Balzac for a noble lady friend of his. Although bound to the formalities of that period it goes far to show the need for independence and freedom of women at the time.
Légendes by Hélène Adeline Guerber
More fun stories as re-published earlier in the French Fairytales product, these contain witty and moralistic beginners tales and stories that are easier to read than the French literature products that Bermuda Word offers.
More Romance Stories by Maupassant and Zola
Stories all a little darker than the first Bermuda Word e-book Romance stories, although La Confession in that one was pretty dramatic as well.
Beginner Stories by Jules Lemaître
Read easy French for starting readers, including grammar lessons teaching you to the language components and noun and verb forms that French offers. This will help you to recognize new words that are derived from the same word family as words you already know.
Upcoming Bermuda Word E-Book Releases For Other Foreign Languages
Because we want to have some diversion as well we have been working at the same time on some works that will help you learn to read some other foreign languages.
Polish Short Stories
A new Bermuda Word intelligent e-book in Polish with stories from authors like Henryk Sienkiewicz, Bolesław Prus and Maria Konopnicka. Continue your learning to read Polish with this Bermuda Word e-book!
Russian Story The Nose by Gogol
This witty and ironic story by Maxim Gogol deals with Collegiate Assessor Kovalyev (Collegiate Assessor is number VIII on the Table of Ranks in Russia, a ranking of civil and military servants which was very important in dealing with addressing formalities). Kovalyev has lost his nose one morning, and lo and behold, encounters it in the street just getting into a coach, and he starts to chase it across St. Petersburg. A lot of new Russian words to learn just by reading this excellent e-book, because of the manually added pop-up translation and of which the memorizing will be easy peasy because of the spaced repetition training, which keeps track of the number of times words are already encountered in the text, so you don't practice for nothing.
German More Fairytales
There's also some sales in the German e-book division so we're planning to add two more. Another collection of Fairytales, this time from Brechstein, for readers of German that want to perfect their German basic reading.
German More Stories
More German Short Stories of among others Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. It's got thousands of unique words and, if you already finished our existing products, hundreds or more than a thousand new words again. Once you finished a few Bermuda Word German e-books you should be able to go and read some best-sellers or contemporary literature in German on your own without having to look up too many words. Nothing more satisfying than reading a book in a foreign language.
Portuguese Short Stories
Some interesting and romantic stories in Portuguese for advanced readers. And beginners, because with the pop-up manual translation you need only a bit of vocabulary before you can start reading.
Indonesian Short Stories
With some travelling stories and excerpts from Multatuli in Indonesian we hope to soon have a more advanced Indonesian e-book in the shop to add to the Bermuda Word Indonesian folktales. With this latest e-book that is planned we would have at least two e-books for every language that we have on offer.